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Makani X FORBES France

C’est avec un immense plaisir et une grande
fierté que je partage avec vous une nouvelle extraordinaire : Makani a été mis
à l’honneur dans FORBES France sous la rubrique succes story au féminin! 🎉

Why Makani?

Makani represents not only the power of women, but also their intimacy and deep connection with themselves.

Through a holistic approach, Makani encourages women to dare to shine every day, while inspiring them to take care of themselves.

Workshops & Training

Dear women,

You are invited to participate in the DARE TO SHINE event! with unique workshops designed especially for you, where you can explore your full potential and shine in every aspect of your life. These workshops combine a treatment ritual, an initiation to intuitive dance, moments of exchange and talk, all in a holistic and human approach.

M for Makani

The M in Makani is much more than just a letter, it is a powerful symbol that embodies feminine strength and intimacy in Moroccan Amazigh culture.

In this ancient culture, the M is often associated with femininity, female power and motherhood. It evokes strength
interior of women.

The M also symbolizes harmony and balance.

For Makani, the M represents not only the power of a woman, but also her intimacy and deep connection with herself.

It is a constant reminder of the value and dignity of women, as well as
their ability to reinvent themselves and shine in all aspects of their lives.

By highlighting the symbol of M to represent Makani, Myriam pays homage to her grandmother adorned with powerful symbolic tattoos by celebrating the richness of Moroccan culture and the strength and resilience of the women around us.

It's a reminder that every woman has the power to create her own path, connect with her femininity, and realize her deepest dreams.

Grandma Fatna, a brilliant and inspiring woman

  • Biological

  • without sulfates or barabens

  • Made with love in Montreal

  • Cruelty free

Makani Blog